Для того, кто влюблен, пуля в сердце - как манна небесная. (с)
S.Y.K ~Shinsetsu Saiyuuki~ (PS2)
Idea Factory has just announced that its next Otomate game, out August 13, 2009, is going to be S.Y.K. ~Shinsetsu Saiyuuki~. The latest adaptation of Journey to the West portrays Xuanzang as a young woman in priestess robes named Genjou. She is accompanied by four delinquent male guardians, Goku (Wukong), Hakkai (Baije), Gojou (Wujing) and Gyokuryu (Santaizi) on a journey to Tenjiku.
Like all otome games, S.Y.K. is going to be about building relationships with the characters. Genjou has to have a certain level of trust with her guardians in order to keep moving on her journey, and this is built by working on tasks with characters. Depending on choices players make, one of her guardians may also fall in love with her.
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Idea Factory has just announced that its next Otomate game, out August 13, 2009, is going to be S.Y.K. ~Shinsetsu Saiyuuki~. The latest adaptation of Journey to the West portrays Xuanzang as a young woman in priestess robes named Genjou. She is accompanied by four delinquent male guardians, Goku (Wukong), Hakkai (Baije), Gojou (Wujing) and Gyokuryu (Santaizi) on a journey to Tenjiku.
Like all otome games, S.Y.K. is going to be about building relationships with the characters. Genjou has to have a certain level of trust with her guardians in order to keep moving on her journey, and this is built by working on tasks with characters. Depending on choices players make, one of her guardians may also fall in love with her.

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да ладно
хм..ну и скажи об этом монаху..проверим..)
да я им и на расстоянии проникнусь.
как-то не хочется говорить прямо... хн... как минимум, в письменном виде)))