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Minekura Kazuya declared that she got married
Female comic artist Minekuara Kazuya, well-known by the public for the works like Saiyuki, Bus Gamer and so on, published the news of getting married in her blog Nitro Diary on 23. The fiancée is her classmate in high school and has come along with her for over 16 years. The wedding was on March 23, 2008 the same day as her birthday, so called double happiness.
This is the message in her blog:
As time goes by, it's time to be shy. Finally, on this very day, I get married. My boyfriend, who I used to mention, is my husband now. He was my high school classmate and came alone with me for 16 years since my debut as a comic artist. He's always on my side to support me, and I believe he will go on doing like that.
навязчивая идея...
Kazuya Minekura,