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Таблица Перевод:Saiyuki Chronological Table:
500 years ago: Son Goku was sealed in the rock prision.
24 years ago: Koryu’s birth. He is abandoned in a river. Koumyou (35) saves him and takes Koryu with him.
23 years ago: Cho Gono’s birth. His parents are human beings. He has a twin sister.
Sha Gojyo’s birth. His father is a demon while his mother an human being.
20 years ago: Koumyou Sanzo (39) meets Kenyu (17) in the temple.
Godai dies and Kenyu succeeds his master becoming Ukoku Sanzo Houshi and inherits the kyoumon.
Parents of Sha Gojyo (3) commit suicide for their love. Gojyo begins to live in his stepmother and brother Jien’s (9) house.
Parents of Cho Gono (3) divorce. Gono lives with his mother while his sister with the father.
19 years ago: Koumyou (40) has travel different place with Ukoku (18).
The Buddhist priests of the temple start to hate Koryu (6).
18 years ago: Koumyou (41) ends his journey and comes back to his temple.
The mother of Cho Gono (5) abandons her child in an orphanage.
17 years ago: Ukoku (20) visits the temple in which Koumyou lives.
15 years ago: Calling.
14 years ago: Ukoku takes a child (Kamisama) with him and visits again Koumyou’s temple. In this occasion Kamisama meets Koryu.
12 years ago: Koumyou’s death (47). Koryu becomes Genjo Sanzo and the owner of Maten and Seiten kyoumons. He leaves the temple to search the Seiten kyoumon that was stolen.
11 years ago: Sha Gojyo (12) risks to be killed by his stepmother.
She dies and Gojyo’s brother (18) abandons him.
8 years ago: Sanzo (16) comes to Choan temple. He meets the abbot that then dies so Sanzo ufficially is at the head of the temple.
Cho Gono (15) leaves the orphanage and studies by a college. There he meets his sister.
Sha Gojyo (15) meets Banri and they become partners.
6 years ago: Sanzo (18) meets Goku (13) by the rock prision. They begins to live together.
Cho Gono (17) leaves the college with his sister.
5 years ago: The sister of Cho Gono (18) is kidnapped by Hyakuganmao.
4 years ago: Be there.
Following an order of Sanbutsushin, Sanzo (20) and Goku (15) are on a criminal trail.
Cho Gono meets Sha Gojyo. Both of them are 19 years old.
Cho Gono changes his name in Cho Hakkai and lives with Gojyo.
3 years ago: Suddenly Banri comes back and meets Gojyo again. Both of them are 21 years old.
For the first time Goku eats by a chafing dish.
1 year ago: Following the Sanzo’s order, Hakkai and Gojyo (both of them are 21 years old) accept the mission entrust to them by Sanbutsushin.
Now: Go to the west.
This is the Saiyuki Chronological Table that is in Saiyuubito. A chinese friend of mine translated it in english for me. In this table there are some mistakes. Some dates are not like the manga’s ones.
“11 years ago: Sha Gojyo (12) risks to be killed by his stepmother. She dies and Gojyo’s brother (18) abandons him.”
In manga 2 Hakkai says to Sanzo and Goku that when Gojyo was 8 years old Jien disappeared…
“3 years ago: Suddenly Banri comes back and meets Gojyo again. Both of them are 21 years old.
For the first time Goku eats by a chafing dish”
Gojyo is 21 years old as 3 years ago as 1 year ago…in the reality when Gojyo meets Banri he is 20 years old.
Thanks to this Chronological Table we can know the age of some characters like Nii and Dokugakuji. Now Nii is 37 years old while Dokugakuji 29 years old.
"Верная Пинта" Тролль гнет ель
устал, но доволен
Путешествие на Запад,
ох, какая полезная штука, надо для своей манги такую же сделать!)))
не за что)
а твою мангу ждем-не дождемся ))))
*жутко интересно^^*
интересно для изучения
скорее не изобретаешь велосипед. более-менее расписывает основные моменты в хронологическом порядке...
а остальным можно уже и самому поебаться.
хн... если очень хочется...)
ну, хотя бы не с полного нуля все это "изобретать" - согласен....
вот что-то вроде того.